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Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance programme

The Enhance Programme is a partnership between 13 third sector delivery partners and Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust (LCH) services, providing person-centred holistic support at home for people receiving community-based healthcare.

Large Enhance logo, with smaller logos for LOPF, Forum Central and Leeds Community Healthcare Trust

About this project

Enhance links third-sector organisations with LCH Neighbourhood Teams and LCH specialist services to avoid delayed discharges and readmissions to hospitals for individuals. It also aims to enhance capacity throughout the health and social care system.

Enhance provides:

  • Proactive and responsive support to people referred by LCH services to promote recovery and rehabilitation, improve health and quality of life, prevent deterioration and support wider health and wellbeing for up to 12 weeks.
  • Enhanced capacity for LCH services by reducing time spent on non-clinical tasks and reducing clinical demand for LCH clinicians by improving health and wellbeing for people.

How to refer to Enhance

Enhance referrals can only be made by Leeds Community Healthcare staff. First, check which delivery partner you need to make the referral to by using the postcode finder tool then give them a call to check that a referral is appropriate. Then go to SystmOne to complete the referral form which must be sent to the Enhance Delivery Partner’s NHS email address.

Enhance delivery partners

Each of the Enhance third sector delivery partners supports individuals referred to them, in the following ways.

Person-centred support, including:

  • Home visits
  • Opportunities for social connection
  • Support in managing health (such as setting up repeat prescriptions, dosette boxes, key safes)

Information and advice, including:

  • Ensure home environment is safe through, for example, a ‘safe and well’ referral to the Fire Service, including ensuring their home is warm and free from falls risks.
  • Prompt exercise by liaising with therapy services as appropriate, linking to exercise classes, encouraging movement in and around home
  • Ensure access to appropriate welfare benefits, such as Attendance Allowance, Carers Allowance and Pension Credit, blue badge and bus pass applications and renewals.
  • Support self-management
  • Provision of regular contact/check-in for up to 12 weeks, for example through home visits, phone calls, and access to an organisation’s activities.
  • Support access to health appointments, for example through appointment reminders, access to transport, accompanying to appointments.
  • Ensure access to food, such as through food parcels, personal shopping, support to shop online, meals on wheels, meeting dietary needs and access to lunch clubs.

Partnership work, including:

  • Joint visit and double up of visits with LCH staff when both are able.
  • Regular communication and appropriate and regular two way information sharing.
  • Agency advocacy, liaison and referrals, such as ongoing referrals, links to specialist support including Adult Social Care, Care & Repair (aim for’ no wrong door’ approach).
  • Sharing good practice to contributing to the test and learn ethos
  • Peer learning events facilitated by LOPF

Please click here to use the Enhance postcode finder and map to find the right delivery partner for your patient for each Neighbourhood Team.

North Leeds

Age UK Leeds  

Neighbourhood Team covered:

Heather Renwick / Natalie Ormond
0113 389 3006

0113 3893 006

Burmantofts Community Friends

Neighbourhood Team covered:
(specifically Burmantofts)

Sean Carr 
0113 248 9191

Cross Gates & District Good Neighbours’ Scheme

Neighbourhood Team covered:

Marion Darlow
0113 260 6565

Feel Good Factor

Neighbourhood Team covered:

Bev Lock
0113 350 4200

Leeds Irish Health & Homes 

Neighbourhood Team covered:
Chapeltown, Meanwood

Sarah McBride
0113 262 5614

Read Leeds Irish Health and Homes leaflet about their Enhance project.

MAECare (Moor Allerton Elderly Care)

Neighbourhood Team covered:

Shabana Akhtar 
0113 266 0371

Seacroft Friends & Neighbours

Neighbourhood Team covered:

Sue Oglesby

0113 232 3662

South Leeds

Health for All

Neighbourhood Team covered:
Beeston, Middleton, Morley

Balwinder Kaur
0759 0182 627 / 0113 2717231

NET Garforth (Neighbourhood Elders Team)

Neighbourhood Team covered:

Monica Walker   
0113 287 4784

West Leeds

Age UK Leeds  

Neighbourhood Teams covered:
Holt Park, Woodsley

Heather Renwick / Natalie Ormond
0113 389 3006

0113 3893 006

Armley Helping Hands

Neighbourhood Team covered:
Armley, Pudsey

Dawn Newsome
0113 279 9292

AVSED / Otley Action for Older People

Neighbourhood Team Covered:

Debbie Fawthrop  /
0113 250 1702

OPAL (Older People’s Action in the Locality)

Neighbourhood Team covered:
Holt Park
(specifically LS16 6XX, LS16 7XX, LS16 8XX and LS16 9XX)

Hattie Easton 
0113 261 9103 

Please click here to use the Enhance postcode finder and map to find the right third sector delivery partner to refer to for each Neighbourhood Team.

Learning from year 2 of Enhance

In November 2023 we commissioned three videos focusing on staff and participants’ experience of Enhance, and held a conference – ‘people ● prevention ● partnership: Sharing learning from year 2 of the Enhance programme’.

Watch the videos and read the conference outcomes:

Enhance: Impact on people (YouTube, 4:22)

Enhance: Impact on Leeds Community Healthcare Trust (YouTube, 4:32)

Enhance: Power of partnership (YouTube, 4:24)

people ● prevention ● partnership: Summary of Enhance conference outcomes

Enhance stories

Peter’s and Sandra’s stories

Peter and Sandra (each aged 62) talk about how life has got better through contact with the Enhance project at Health for All.

Peter and Sandra (each aged 62) talk about how life has got better through contact with the Enhance project at Health for All.

Dave’s story

Dave (aged 76) talks about how important the Enhance project at Armley Helping Hands has been for him.

You can read more ‘Stories from the front line’ about how individuals have benefitted from Enhance in our learning briefing 5 and learning briefing 9.

Enhance peer learning

We organise regular peer learning sessions, to help share information and good practice between our 3rd sector delivery partners, and between delivery partners and Leeds Community Healthcare.

Please get in touch with suggestions for topics that you would find helpful.

We also write a briefing from each session to ensure the learning is shared further. See our collection of learning briefings below.

Enhance – learning briefings

A series of concise briefings from the valuable learning gained from the Enhance programme, compiled and published as the programme evolves. 

Enhance – thematic reports

A series of short reports, written by independent evaluator Dr Sarah Alden, which draw on learning from the second year of the Enhance programme. Each report focuses on a specific theme, with real case studies.

Enhance – evaluation reports

Reports and analysis from evaluations of the Enhance programme.

Cost benefit analysis evaluation of Enhance Year 3 (PDF)
An evaluation report by Prof Anne-Marie Bagnall, Mr Ruben Muhayiteto and Dr Joanne Trigwell from the Centre for Health Promotion Research, School of Health, Leeds Beckett University.