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Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance programme resources

Found 42 resources

Enhance learning briefing 1: Feedback on the process for applying for Enhance funding from Leeds Older People’s Forum

June 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 2: Early reflections on cross-sector working between Third Sector organisations and Neighbourhood Teams in Leeds

July 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 3: How are things going in the early stages of delivery?

August 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

LOPF Annual Report, 2021-22

June 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Summary of key third sector offers (v1)

September 2022
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

NORTH Enhance Overview (v1)

September 2022
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

SOUTH Enhance Overview (v1)

September 2022
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

WEST Enhance Overview (v1)

September 2022
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Enhance learning briefing 4: The cost of living crisis – the challenges and the support on offer

September 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 5: Stories from the front line

October 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 6: Leeds Public Health Winter messages

November 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance Learning Briefing 7: practical ideas for better monitoring and evaluation

December 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance Learning Briefing 8: Sharing success and considering a core offer

January 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 9: Stories from the front line

February 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

An evaluation of phase one of Enhance (by Dr Sarah Alden)

March 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Appendix One: Enhance Evaluation Questionnaire Analysis

March 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Evaluation of the Enhance programme: summary report

May 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 10: Stories from the front line

April 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 11: Progress as Year 2 gets underway

July 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance – our delivery partners – North Leeds

June 2023
Leeds Older People's Forum / Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Enhance – our delivery partners – South Leeds

June 2023
Leeds Older People's Forum / Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Enhance – our delivery partners – West Leeds

June 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance – our delivery partners – Leeds city-wide

June 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance Learning Briefing 12: Cross-sector collaboration to improve health outcomes

August 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Trending Elders 2: April-June 2023

August 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance Learning Briefing 13: Stories from the frontline – People, Prevention, Partnership

October 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 14: Review of Enhance medication prompt pilot

November 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Monitoring and evaluating Enhance

November 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance programme: Business case

November 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

people ● prevention ● partnership: Summary of Enhance conference outcomes, 09.11.23

December 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 15: Review of the work with neighbourhood teams

November 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 16: holistic, person-centred support

January 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 16a: summary report – holistic, person-centred support

January 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Trending Elders 4: January-March 2024

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Improving health outcomes through reducing social isolation and loneliness

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Keeping well through movement, nutrition and hydration

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Keeping safe and avoiding crisis

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Supporting independence through digital inclusion

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Improving health outcomes through reducing financial inequality

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance Second Round Evaluation Report

March 2024
Health and Care Evaluation Service

Summary of the Enhance evaluation findings for year two

May 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance programme learning and evaluation findings: Evaluation Questionnaire Analysis

May 2024