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Leeds Older People’s Forum
Photo of Jessica, seemingly 'cut out' against a background of green trees and shrubs

Good Practice Mentor

The Good Practice Mentor (GPM) programme brings together legacy, learning and resources from Ageing Better, a seven year test and learn programme that worked to reduce social isolation and loneliness in people aged 50+ . Ageing Better’s 360+ projects engaged more than 150,000 people. 

About this project

Since March 2022 Good Practice Mentors have been sharing the learning, resources and skills needed to provide a collaborative local response to social isolation and loneliness among older people. In Leeds this was through Time to Shine (one of the 14 Ageing Better programmes in England.)  

Ageing Better partners also worked collectively at a national level, to address challenges faced by many larger organisations striving to reach, connect and empower older people in the community.

New funding allows this work to continue with a small team of Good Practice Mentors from across the UK, one of whom is LOPF’s Jessica Duffy.

Good Practice Mentor partners

Each partner brings a unique set of learning and skills. Together we offer a wide range of free training, bespoke support for your organisation and toolkits and resources to help you loneliness and isolation.

We want to help you find and highlight the voices of older people in the community, and influence decision-makers driving system change.

What does the Good Practice Mentor programme offer?

  • innovative and collaborative ways of working
  • culture change where systems interact with communities
  • sharing our learning and experiences from past programmes
  • a focus on practical tools and training
  • an exploration of third sector infrastructure in your area
  • mentoring for small and independent groups
  • a sounding board and a listening ear
  • a flexible approach for your context
  • learning tailored to your needs
  • Solutions to the challenges you could experience when working with older people
  • connection with others working with older people
  • co-production support
  • empowering you to share learning and ideas with others

We’ll be learning with you!  


For more information about the Good Practice Mentors, please contact 
Jessica Duffy –  or

# GoodPracticeMentor