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Leeds Older People’s Forum and the William Merritt Centre are leading a pilot scheme to support older drivers to drive safely for longer. The Mature Driver Appraisal is part of our Driving Change Together project.
Book your Mature Driver Appraisal
To book your place please phone or email Tracy Lenihan at Leeds Older People’s Forum:
- 07526 360 408
- tracy@opforum.org.uk
About this project
This ‘light touch’ appraisal will be carried out by one of William Merritt’s approved driving instructors, assisting a person in their own car, driving to places that they are familiar with in the location in which they live.
Why have an appraisal for mature drivers?
As we age our sight, hearing, reaction time, judgement of speed and distance may not be as sharp as they once were. For many drivers this is a very sensitive subject. The Mature Driver Appraisal aims to increase driver confidence to keep older motorists driving safely for longer, or enable them to decide to ‘retire’ from driving.
What does the Mature Driver Appraisal offer?
The appraisal offers a professional, accessible and friendly way to review your driving skills, including:
- Confidence building
- Road safety advice
- Advice about vehicle adaptions
- Reviewing a motorist’s driving skills in a non-test appraisal Practical support from a William Merritt approved Driving Instructor
How does the Mature Driver Appraisal work?
- Motorist drives their own car
- In the locality familiar to them
- Driving to the places they go
- Appraisal takes no more than 1 hour, or less if the driver prefers
How much does the Mature Driver Appraisal cost?
There is funding for 20 older drivers who live in Leeds Council Tax area.
How can someone book a Mature Driver Appraisal?
To book your place please phone or email Tracy Lenihan at Leeds Older People’s Forum:
- 07526 360 408
- tracy@opforum.org.uk

John’s story
The appraisal has been ‘test driven’ by John, aged 81, who drives around the county as a flower show judge,. After the appraisal he said:
I felt really chuffed, because I got some really good feedback. I now feel I have the knowledge that I am safe to drive, which is really important.
John, one of the first people to do the appraisal
Vision Zero
This scheme ties in with Leeds City Council’s Vision Zero, which aims to eliminate fatal and serious injuries as a result of road collisions. With safe behaviours and people as a key pillar of the approach, everyone is encouraged to be part of the change in making Leeds roads safer.
Driving Change Together
The Mature Driver Appraisal is part of LOPF’s Driving Change Together project. We run the campaign, with the William Merritt Centre, and with funding from the Road Safety Trust.
Project updates
The latest articles about Mature Driver Appraisal
Navigating the Road Ahead
Update: August 2024
Update: June 2024
Related resources
Reports and files relating to Mature Driver Appraisal