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Leeds Older People’s Forum


The latest updates from Leeds Older People's Forum

man reading newspaper
December 13, 2022

Raiders of the White Rose

What happens if you cross a bus company, a shopping centre and a group of older people? On November 28 and 29 we decided to find out!…
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December 1, 2022

An Advent gift of learning

I’d like to share an early Christmas present with all of you. I’ve been working at a themed index to the Time to Shine learning for some…
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November 30, 2022

Update: December 2022

Here is a brief selection of our recent work, and what we expect to be doing next month. In November, among other activities, we have… In December…
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November 24, 2022

Together we are stronger: join Leeds Older People’s Forum

LOPF is a membership organisation. It’s our membership which gives us strength of voice and influence. And that’s what makes us, all together, stronger than the sum…
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November 16, 2022

Travel Connections: speeding along

Travel Connections has been up and running for several months now, during which LOPF, along with our delivery partners, has arranged for over 200 people to take…
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October 27, 2022

Update: November 2022

Here is a selection of our recent work, and what we expect to be doing next month. In October, among other activities, we have… run the last…
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September 29, 2022

Update: October 2022

Here is a brief selection of our recent work, and of what we expect to be doing next month. In September, among other activities, we have… ran…
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August 31, 2022

Update: September 2022

Here is a brief selection of our recent work, and what we expect to be doing next month. In August, among other activities, we have… welcomed new…
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July 28, 2022

Update: August 2022

Here is a brief selection of our recent work, and what we expect to be doing next month. In July, among other activities, we have… welcomed Jo…
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July 28, 2022

Looking back, looking forward… at our AGM

We recently welcomed 36 people to our Annual General Meeting at the St. George’s Centre.  It was great to look back on the year and celebrate our…
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