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Leeds Older People’s Forum

September 20, 2022

Our dancing days need not be over

Would you like to know how to lift the mood, in moments of dance, of even the oldest and frailest people? Yorkshire Dance can tell you how…
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September 14, 2022

Reconnecting people to their communities

Health for All Connections supported younger older people with a series of groups and courses. They covered a range of topics, from woodwork and photography, to mindfulness…
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September 14, 2022

The cheering effect of a little sunshine

Sunshine In Leeds, a Time to Shine project run by Health for All, set out to provide a very practical service. It worked with people to help…
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August 30, 2022

Reaching out to older people in Leeds

One of the pleasures of my role as Good Practice Mentor is being able to link people to information and expertise to help them do their own…
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August 17, 2022

I’ve been thinking about evaluation, and why we do it.

Since sharing a presentation with Time to Shine’s local evaluators at a Campaign to End Loneliness workshop last week and having a look through the first monitoring…
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August 9, 2022

The Great Outdoors project – fresh air and friendship

TCV Hollybush recognised that engaging with conservation activity in a group setting provided people with an opportunity to undertake a meaningful activity, and to meet a range…
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August 3, 2022

Don’t Call Me Old: more complex than anticipated

The Don’t Call Me Old project saw Armley Helping Hands take steps to expand the age range of their engaged members. They hoped this would have benefits…
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July 14, 2022

I need to get out more…

Well actually I don’t – at the moment I need to get out less, but you don’t want to know about my overgrown allotment! At work I…
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May 19, 2022

Putting the person at the centre

One of my jobs as a Good Practice Mentor is to share the learning from Time to Shine delivery partners in Leeds with colleagues across the country…
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April 20, 2022

Carers Connections: time poor… knowledge and experience rich

With over 74,000 unpaid carers in Leeds, Carers Leeds already offered support to unpaid carers of all ages in a variety of ways. Their Time to Shine…
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