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Leeds Older People’s Forum

December 15, 2022

Time to Learn (one last time)

The Time to Shine programme came to an end in March 2022, and I have had one final year to continue to share our learning. The LOPF…
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December 13, 2022

Christmas creativity

One of the ways we will celebrate Christmas this year in my family is by going to a carol concert. We’re fully intending to drag the children…
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December 8, 2022

Food glorious food!

I’m not at all sure about ‘cold jelly and custard’ myself. As we move towards Christmas, it’s a good time to share the Time to Shine learning…
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December 6, 2022

Grief takes many forms

Following on from Grief Awareness Week I thought I’d take a moment to share some learning about bereavement and what Time to Shine projects discovered. In my…
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December 1, 2022

An Advent gift of learning

I’d like to share an early Christmas present with all of you. I’ve been working at a themed index to the Time to Shine learning for some…
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November 24, 2022

Warm Spaces need a Warm Welcome

As a Good Practice Mentor I can help you to achieve warm spaces welcomes, without needing an extra heater! Now so many people have opened up Warm…
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November 17, 2022

Getting men to join in

With International Men’s Day on November 19 it’s a good time to share the learning from Time to Shine and other Ageing Better projects on encouraging older…
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November 9, 2022

Plunging head first into Time to Shine’s learning

I am almost at the end of creating a huge document listing the learning from Time to Shine – it’s currently having some design magic performed on…
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October 6, 2022

Talking about loneliness: using the ‘L’ word

I’ve been to two very interesting webinars this week, looking at communications around loneliness. I wasn’t sure about attending them both as I thought they might be…
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September 22, 2022

Still being a friend

The success of the Cara project meant that Leeds Irish Health & Homes were keen to take their learning and experiment further, this time setting out deliberately…
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