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Leeds Older People’s Forum

February 1, 2017

Success Story: More than a Mealtime

More than a Mealtime‘s Shared Tables project brings people, who might otherwise be eating on their own, together for a meal in a local restaurant. The project…
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January 30, 2017

Volunteer Spotlight: Frances from Street Links

When Frances moved from London to Leeds, it was all a big change and she did not feel connected to her new surroundings. She didn’t know her neighbours and…
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January 25, 2017

Success Story: Digital Angels

At age 80, Vera was feeling like there was not enough for her to do anymore. She spent most of her time sitting alone and watching television, and…
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January 25, 2017

Volunteer Spotlight: Peter from Walking with Confidence

Time to Shine and all its projects could not function without the help of many dedicated volunteers, all who want to take a step toward ending social…
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January 20, 2017

New: Supporting Wellbeing Projects

Older people who are frail or have complex medical needs have a very high risk of being socially isolated. Health and mobility problems mean that getting out…
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January 20, 2017

Leeds City Council praises Time to Shine

At the full council meeting on 11 January 2017, many Leeds City Councillors took an opportunity to highlight the work and accomplishments of Time to Shine.  Councillors were briefed about…
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December 28, 2016

Recruiting: Age Friendly Charter Steering Group

Now that the Age Friendly Charter is finished, Time to Shine must move on to the next step, which is encouraging groups and individuals around the city to…
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December 21, 2016

Community Correspondent: Rudolf – West Yorkshire Playhouse

The Playhouse production of Rudolf was in the Barber Room. The passage leading to the Barber Room was lit by blue and white fairy lights. This really…
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December 21, 2016

Community Correspondent: Strictly Ballroom – West Yorkshire Playhouse

The excitement, if not Love, was palpably in the air on Tuesday night for the UK premiere of Strictly Ballroom The Musical. Based on the 1992 movie…
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December 21, 2016

Community Correspondent: Social Science talk about friendship and loneliness

I arrived at the Library to attend a talk about Friendship and Loneliness and why we need friends. Appropriately, I was met by some very smiley people…
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