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Leeds Older People’s Forum

December 18, 2018

Free training opportunity – Project Management

Do you have any staff who would benefit from project management training? The Time to Shine Programme is running a course for Time to Shine Delivery partners…
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November 30, 2018

Two learning reports released at the Ageing Better conference 2018: Community Connectors and Groups at Risk of Marginalisation

The Ageing Better conference saw the release of two learning reports taken from current learning from the 14 Ageing Better partnerships. The first, which was also the…
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November 30, 2018

Transitions into Later Life – a life-affirming experience

I have just finished running the last of our “Transitions into Later Life – re-storying Retirement” courses. It was a really life affirming experience for me with…
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November 28, 2018

Learning Lunches (and breakfasts and teas)

During my first few weeks as the new Time to Shine Learning Facilitator I was able to spend a bit of time seeing what great learning ideas…
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November 23, 2018

Ageing Better conference, Margate

The Ageing Better Annual Conference 2018 was held this year in Margate, where we were warmly greeted by the staff of Ageless Thanet. The Ageless Thanet programme…
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November 19, 2018

Samosas and scones – Bollywood comes to Oulton and Woodlesford

Delicious samosas and a dance routine from a Bollywood Dance Group accompanied traditional afternoon tea of scones and sandwiches at at All Saints Parish Hall in Woodlesford…
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October 29, 2018

Free dance workshop for older adults at Yorkshire Dance in Leeds, Saturday 10th Nov at 1.30pm

Professional dance artists Robbie Synge and Lucy Boyes will lead a joyful and supportive workshop that will invite you to explore how you move alone and with…
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October 26, 2018

ReSPECT – Make your wishes known about your care and treatment in an emergency

The ReSPECT process creates personalised recommendations for your clinical care in emergency situations in which you are not able to decide for yourself or communicate your wishes.…
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October 24, 2018

Sustaining the learning from Time to Shine

We are in Year 4 of the six years of Time to Shine and we want to make sure work and approaches that are effective in preventing…
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October 23, 2018

A spotlight on Shared Tables

The simple yet effective project developed by Crossgates & District Good Neighbours scheme has been highlighted by The Centre for Ageing Better as an alternative to traditional…
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