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Leeds Older People’s Forum

February 20, 2019

Fair Ride

We have arrived! (…and other travel puns!) Starting up the Fair Ride scheme has been a journey in itself. Fair Ride is for anyone in Leeds over…
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February 14, 2019

Friendly Communities

Our Friendly Communities Officers Sarah Prescott and Elizabeth Griffin work to bring together the Dementia Friendly and Age Friendly initiatives to help make Leeds the ‘Best City…
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February 6, 2019

What’s next?? Make your own future in later life

Life doesn’t end when work does. You can write your own story… Are you aged 55+, working, and thinking about retirement and the next stage of your…
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January 31, 2019

Welcome to a new phase of Time to Shine!

The start of 2019 has been a busy one for us at Time To Shine as we welcome four new members to the team either side of…
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January 31, 2019

Great to be on board!

As a new member of the Time to Shine team, with responsibility for supporting some of our delivery partners, I am keen to get out to meet…
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January 24, 2019

Have I got (older people) news for you?! January

At Time to Shine we see and read a lot of interesting stories and resources about older people. We will share a few of these with you…
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January 15, 2019

Volunteer Listeners needed

As you may know, Time to Shine is part of a larger research programme, the National Lottery funded Ageing Better programme. Together we are trying to find…
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December 20, 2018

Reflections on Learning

I think many of us feel rushed as we head for Christmas, and learning is the last thing on our minds, but the other side if the…
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December 20, 2018

Launch of Arts and Health and Wellbeing Network

You are invited to the launch of a new Arts and Health and Wellbeing network, developed by the Cultural Institute (University of Leeds) in partnership with Leeds…
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December 19, 2018

Time to Shine Small Funds: five exciting new projects get underway

We’re delighted to announce that Leeds Community Foundation has awarded money from Time to Shine Small Funds to five exciting new projects which cover a diverse range…
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