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Leeds Older People’s Forum

November 19, 2019

Have I got older (people) news for you!? (November 2019)

At Time to Shine we see and read a lot of interesting stories and resources about older people. We share a few of these with you each…
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November 19, 2019

Talk to us about Time to Shine

Have you been involved in Time to Shine? Please join one of our friendly focus groups if you have been either a participant or a volunteer on…
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November 12, 2019

The value of working with volunteers

We knew many Time to Shine delivery partners were able to reduce social isolation and loneliness only because they were working with volunteers. The Time to Shine…
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November 12, 2019

Developing friendships…a simple answer?

We have known for a while now, reflecting on the work of Time to Shine’s local evaluation team, that the simple solution to reducing loneliness is to…
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November 6, 2019

Winter Networking Meeting – chance to share practice

Heart (Headingley Enterprise and Arts Centre)2.00-4.00, 4 December 2019 Book your place (free) Over the past year we have been holding networking meetings for Time to Shine…
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October 30, 2019

Let’s talk about ageism, baby

“Let’s talk about ageism, babyLet’s talk about you and meLet’s talk about all the good thingsAnd the bad things that may be” You might recognise these words…
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October 30, 2019

The power of creativity

In the many community groups I’ve worked in over the years I’m constantly in awe of the power of creativity. It’s free, it’s in everyone, it overcomes…
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October 30, 2019

Monday Fun with Cara Too

Leeds Irish Health & Homes launched the Cara Too service, funded by Time to Shine, in 2018 to address social isolation in the community, in care homes…
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October 24, 2019

Age Proud dancers!

Thursday 3 October saw the D Dance Bollywood ladies, of Woodlesford, Oulton and Crossgates, don their dancing shoes and perform at the launch of the Age Proud…
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October 22, 2019

Have I got older (people) news for you!? (October 2019)

At Time to Shine we see and read a lot of interesting stories and resources about older people. We share a few of these with you each…
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