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Leeds Older People’s Forum

July 30, 2020

Time to Shine update: August 2020

Here is a brief summary of our recent work, and what we expect to be doing next month, as we move from the Covid response phase into…
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July 29, 2020

Are you claiming your pension credit?

If you are state pension age and you are finding it hard to make ends meet each month, or you worry about how you’re going to pay…
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July 28, 2020

We are Age Proud!

Age Proud Leeds has been a super campaign, recognised countrywide. And one of the key elements of it has been your decision to raise awareness of what…
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July 24, 2020

Have I got older (people) news for you!? (July 2020)

At Time to Shine we see and read a lot of interesting stories and resources about older people. We share a few of these with you each…
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July 17, 2020

Summer Time Out

Are you breathing a big sigh of relief as you head for the summer? It feels like we are over the worst of the first part of…
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July 14, 2020

Co-production: responding to a changing world

Co-production has been around for a while but in today’s changing world it has never been more relevant or necessary. It is the opposite of ‘one size…
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July 10, 2020

Ageism and poverty

One of the big drawbacks of using sweeping generalisations to describe a group of people based on their age is that it can be very misleading. Assuming…
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June 30, 2020

Time to Shine stories: are you ready to shine?

Covid-19 has given many of us cause to reflect on life, loss, social connectivity and, perhaps, the things we’d like to do differently now the world is…
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June 30, 2020

Time to Shine update: July 2020

Time to Shine entered its final year, under the most difficult of circumstances for everyone, so we decided to give you a monthly update of where our…
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June 25, 2020

Food for thought?

As lockdown eases and cafes and restaurants start to open their doors again it’s a good time to consider the role of food in bringing people together.…
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