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Leeds Older People’s Forum
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July 31, 2024

Update: August 2024

Profile image for Rob Cook

Communications Officer

Here is a brief selection of our recent work, and what we expect to be doing next month.

In July, among other activities, we have…

  • published Sarah E Frost’s evaluation of the Driving Change Together project for older drivers
  • delivered three monitoring and evaluation inductions for Travel with Confidence delivery partners
  • published the BOSS Toolkit
  • ran the Digital Network meeting with 100% Digital launching the BOSS materials
  • delivered UKSPF sessions at Health For All, Crossgates, Sumangal Group, Vandan Group
  • been delighted that CEO, Jo Volpe, met with senior leaders from Leeds Health and Care Partnership and Department of Health and Social Care to showcase our partnership work, influence national policy and promote the work of our third sector partners in Leeds.
  • attended the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Board to hear the launch of Ageing Well:  Our Lives in Leeds – this year’s Director of Public Health report, which celebrates much of the work Leeds Older People’s Forum does in partnership with Age Friendly Leeds.
  • delivered a Wise Up to Ageism session to Moortown Baptist Church and Burmantofts Senior Action.
  • published a blog to celebrate reaching 200 Age and Dementia Friendly businesses in Leeds.
  • delivered great sessions on Person Centred Approaches, Social Isolation and Loneliness and Making Space for friendship, to organisations across the UK, through the Good Practice Mentor programme
  • published a statement about Winter Fuel Payment and Pension Credit, urging people to check whether they are eligible.

In August, we expect to…

Rob Cook
Communications Officer