Here is a brief selection of our recent work, and what we expect to be doing next month.
In May among other activities, we have…
- hosted a very well-attended, creative showcase event for Dementia Action Week at Headingley Stadium with stalls, workshops and much more.
- delivered Wise Up to Ageism and Dementia Friends sessions to Leeds Libraries and Leeds Train Station staff teams.
- reached 200 Age and Dementia Friendly Businesses in Leeds!
- delivered five Digital financial inclusion sessions for 42 participants, across three charities (funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund)
- delivered training about how to engage older people with debt advice services for British Gas Energy Saving Trust advisors at their conference in Manchester
- published a summary of the Enhance evaluation findings for year 2
- published six short thematic reports on the Enhance programme
In June 2024, we expect to…
- deliver training to staff and volunteers at Healthy Me, Healthy Communities in Gorton (Manchester) to support their engagement of older people.
- run a course on the Psychology of Social Isolation and Loneliness for Loneliness Awareness Week
- mark and celebrate Volunteers’ Week, Carers Week, Loneliness Awareness Week, International Men’s Health Week and Small Charity Week
- share learning from the Driving Change Together evaluation report, focusing on Mature Driver Appraisals
- launch our Manifesto for Change
Rob Cook
Communications Officer