Here is a brief selection of our recent work, and what we expect to be doing next month.
In September, among other activities, we have…
- launched Driving Change Together, with funding from the Road Safety Trust
- progressed with the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of Enhance
- ran a monitoring and evaluation induction for Brighter Days grant recipients
- submitted a funding bid for Motability’s Travelling with Confidence grant programme
- held our well-attended AGM, ‘Credit where it’s due’
- welcomed a new LOPF member AbilityNet
- held a learning session with End of Life Doula UK
- held a webinar as part of Leeds Digital Festival
- held a Dementia Friends session for The International Piano Competition
In October 2023, we expect to…
- collect and analyse Enhance monitoring data to understand the programme’s impact during the first 18 months
- host Ageing Well, an Age Friendly event for International Day of Older People (IDOP), at Headingley Stadium in partnership with Leeds Rhinos Foundation, on October 5.
- support and promote IDOP events in Leeds
- analyse and use the next Trending Elders survey
- share findings from our mid-term evaluation of our media literacy project BOSS
- deliver two Wise Up To Ageism sessions
Rob Cook
Communications Officer