We are delighted to be able to announce that Leeds Community Healthcare Trust has agreed to fund the Enhance programme for a second year, up to April 2024.
The Enhance programme, a partnership between LOPF, Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH), Leeds City Council, Forum Central and 14 third sector delivery partners, supports people who have been discharged from hospital or who are seeking to avoid a hospital admission. The programme provides holistic, wraparound welfare that keeps the person at the centre. Enhance is also helping find ways to alleviate the huge pressure the NHS is under due to well reported factors, including the pandemic and a cold winter.
While Enhance is still very new, and everyone involved has been on a steep learning curve, there have already been some excellent outcomes for people who have been touched by the programme since it was launched in April 2022.
We are now working with LCH and all the Enhance delivery partners to review the work of year one, to ensure that year two is as efficient and effective as possible, to strengthen the foundations of this exciting programme and develop it further. This may involve some changes to the programme and to exactly what is funded. The programme will continue to develop partnership working with Neighbourhood Teams as well as developing working with other partners in the Leeds healthcare system.
We are so pleased to have continued funding for Enhance. Above all it is testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved.
Linda Glew
Enhance Programme Manager