Here is a brief selection of our recent work, and what we expect to be doing next month.
In July, among other activities, we have…
- welcomed Jo Volpe, our new CEO
- launched a grants programme for IDOP 2022, focussing on the resilience and contributions of older women
- held a well attended, very positive AGM
- gathered our first round of monitoring and evaluation information from our Enhance delivery partners
- delivered two Dementia Friends sessions for the staff team at Trinity Leeds
- welcomed the commitment of Active Leeds and Oakwood Surgery to our Age and Dementia Friendly scheme
- appointed Julie Badon and Caroline McNamara as new Trustees.
In August 2022, we expect to…
- have contract meetings with all Enhance delivery partners
- close the LOPF office for two weeks for renovation
- deliver two Dementia Friends sessions to staff from the White Rose Centre
- start to use the new Enhance evaluation questionnaires to understand the impact on participants
- provide a comprehensive induction for the Travel Connections programme manager
- complete the first round of contract meetings with Travel Connections delivery partners
- finalise the Travel Connections monitoring requirements after meeting with the national evaluation team
Rob Cook
Communications Officer, LOPF