Here is a brief selection of our recent work, and what we expect to be doing next month.
In June, among other activities, we have…
- had an article about our Travel Connections programme published in the Yorkshire Post.
- made the Enhance programme live, in partnership with Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust.
- advertised four posts at LOPF, including two dedicated Travel Connections roles
- published a blog on a campaign to make streets safer for pedestrians
- received signed contracts from the majority of Travel Connections delivery partners
- ran induction sessions for staff at Enhance delivery partners
- attended the first meeting of all the Ageing Better Good Practice mentors – we’re working to see how we can share each other’s offers to spread the learning widely
- presented to a West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service partnership meeting and discussed how the Fire Service can use their Safe and Well visits to best effect
- took part in the International Longevity Centre innovation forum on Dementia Friendly high streets
- held an Enhance & Friendly Communities awareness stand for Leeds Community Healthcare Clinical Conference
- delivered in-person Dementia Friends session to Amblers Orchard, one of our Age and Dementia Friendly Businesses
- delivered a welcome session to new Age Friendly Ambassadors
- delivered a session with Age Friendly Middlesbrough to support their work on creating an Age Friendly Ambassadors role.
- presented at the final Ageing Better celebration event, where we launched the summative report of the Ageing Better programme.
- held our first meeting of the Enhance steering group
In July 2022, we expect to…
- welcome our new CEO Jo Volpe on July 6
- welcome people to our AGM at St George’s Centre July 14
- hold our first Travel Connections contract meeting with the Department for Transport
- meet with the Campaign to End Loneliness to talk about community champions in The Loneliness Hub
- continue the induction process for our Enhance delivery partners
- run two Dementia Friends sessions for the management team at Trinity Leeds
- hold a Friendly Communities awareness stand at the Cross Flatts Great Get Together community event coordinated by Leeds City Council’s Care Delivery Service
Rob Cook
Communications Officer, LOPF