Here is a brief selection of our recent work, and what we expect to be doing next month …
September 2021
Among other activities, we have:
- managed Leeds’ first Age Proud Festival
- delivered (with 100% Digital Leeds) ‘Older, Online and Proud: how embracing digital can change lives’, as part of the Age Proud Festival
- hosted the Gay Dementia Adventure theatre and discussion
- delivered Dementia Friends sessions to city centre organisations through LeedsBID , and for the Canal & River Trust
- delivered Wise Up to Ageism to 20 Home Group staff
- ran a real, live session on ageism, and Friendly Communities work, with Belle Isle Senior Action
- recruited our 200th Age Friendly Ambassador!
In October
we expect to:
- deliver two SkillsShares for Neighbourhood Networks, including on Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
- survey the Neighbourhood Networks on recovery plans and next steps
- receive quarterly monitoring returns for all delivery partners
- deliver Wise Up to Ageism for 100+ Leeds City Council Adults and Health staff