Age Proud Leeds is our campaign to raise awareness of ageism and change negative attitudes about ageing and older people. Ageism is discrimination based on a person’s age. The Age Proud Leeds campaign is challenging ageism because we want to celebrate older people as ‘assets’ rather than ‘burdens’.
We have produced activities and resources which are free to use, by people who run activity groups and anyone in the community who wants to raise awareness about ageism.
Why talk about ageism?
Ageism is widespread and can be expressed by people of any age. Many people take on these negative beliefs without even realising it. This has been shown to be harmful, particularly for older people. So, talking about ageism can contribute to better wellbeing and self-confidence for people of all ages, particularly older people. It also helps to encourage a positive attitude towards older people and to create an environment of respect, where diversity is valued and discrimination is challenged.
Top Tips
- Boost your knowledge – take part in the free Wise Up To Ageism session, explore our Age Proud Leeds blogs, and read our resources, including Ageing and Ageism in the UK and Feel good about ageing.
- Go for it! Use our short film What is ageism? to introduce the topic and the Quiz to get the conversation started.
- Go intergenerational – younger, middle aged, older? Ageism affects us all. People of any age can get involved. Write a Postcard to Your Future Self. Read our blog, Generations Why? , to help you challenge intergenerational division and blame.
- Encourage people to talk about the impact of ageism – age discrimination has many negative effects. Having a positive attitude to ageing can help you live well for longer. Find out more about the impacts of ageism. Use ‘Ey up is this ageist?’ to tell us about any examples of ageism, and share our resources to help people Challenge ageism and Get support.
- Older people are diverse – ageing and ageism affect people differently. Listen to our ‘Diverse Voices’ Podcast and use it along with the Older Different Equal resources to raise awareness of issues for older people from diverse backgrounds.
- Ageing brings many benefits – share the positives and celebrate the contributions made by older people. Use our activities Tell us One good thing about ageing and Celebrate an older person.
Follow us on social media
Twitter: @TTSLeeds
Facebook: @agefriendlyleeds
Jude Woods
Communities Officer, Time to Shine