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Leeds Older People’s Forum
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January 29, 2021

​Time to Shine update: February 2021

Here is a brief summary of our recent work, and what we expect to be doing next month …

January 2021

Our staff team continues to work effectively from home, with the challenges that brings.

We have:

February 2021

Among other activities during this month, we expect to:

  • distribute over 5,000 copies of the February issue of Shine magazine , with the support of Leeds City Council’s Passenger Transport department, to over 50 distributors across the city
  • hold contract meetings with all our delivery partners to update on the Covid response
  • seek a new delivery partner to assist in evaluation of the Friendly Communities Project
  • further develop promotion of Age & Dementia Friendly Businesses
  • create a promotional film to recruit more Age Friendly Ambassadors
  • do a presentation to the Centre for Ageing Better about Age Proud Leeds
  • launch part 2 of Diverse Voices
  • launch monthly topics discussions as part of the Neighbourhood Networks Listening Ear project
  • continue to deliver skills share opportunities for Neighbourhood Networks
  • continue to deliver Time to Learn sessions for Time to Shine delivery partners
  • establish a working group to look at Online Safety policy and information templates for organisations and individuals as part of the Neighbourhood Network Digital Working group
  • deliver a national webinar with partners 100% Digital and Age UK Leeds to highlight work in breaking down barriers to digital inclusion for older people.

Linda Glew
Time to Shine Programme Manager (Legacy)