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Leeds Older People’s Forum
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January 21, 2021

Life, Loss, Learning and Legacy – watch the stories

2020 was an exceptional year for the ‘Life, Loss, Learning and Legacy’ Project.

50 resilient storytellers took part in the project online, forming new friendships and supporting each other to share their personal stories of loss and overcoming. Storytellers aged 19 – 90 shared their stories from living rooms and sofas, and produced 63 moving video-stories from their homes, during the pandemic. You can watch many of these stories online.

Since the new year began, we’ve been working with groups of storytellers to organise two special upcoming events to showcase their stories. And we would like to invite you along:

Thursday 4 February – 6.00-7.30pm
An evening session dedicated to the power of 8 personal stories of loss to suicide; raising awareness and encouraging conversation around mental health, suicide and how we can support those affected.
More information and book your (free) place.

Wednesday 3 March – 1.00-2.30pm
An afternoon session sharing inspiring stories of love, loss, renewal and overcoming – including stories of loss around Stroke, dementia, family and friendship.
More information and book your (free) place.

You may be interested in taking part in the ‘Life, Loss, Learning and Legacy’ Project yourself, or you can refer someone who you think would benefit. Or you can contact me for more information (details below).

Lorna Donaghy
Projects Manager, Lippy People
07877 504668