Every year here at Time to Shine we get phone calls from older people or their friends and relations about the festive season. We guess this year there might be more. We need to be able to send these people to the right organisations, and we think we might not be the only people who need this information.
We have abandoned all thought of printing anything to share. (And you can guess why!).
Given we are all going to have to answer these queries without the traditional calling across the office “anyone know who’s organising a carol service this year?”, we thought we could use the wonders of the internet to help us share this information with workers who support older people, whether they are from Leeds’ Neighbourhood Network Schemes, Age UK Leeds or the Time to Shine delivery partners.
We know people do all sorts of things to help; so whether you are planning an outdoor carol service, making phone calls to older people who are on their own, delivering a hot lunch from a local pub, ensuring that people can still collect prescriptions over the holiday period, or running some Christmas craft activities on line, let us know – then in turn, we can let those who call us know.
It’s very simple:
- use the link to our form (it’s very short: what, where, when, who for)
- fill it out – you can do as many as you like
- pass the link to anyone else who might also want to tell others about local activities
The information you give us will put itself onto a simple spreadsheet, which staff from third sector organisations will be able to look at to share that information to their members.
If you work for one of the charities across Leeds who support older people we can give you access too, so when you need to answer that phone call about carols, or the council’s emergency number, you can.
This way you can update it if everything changes again, and you can see other activities, with no chance of accidentally breaking the spreadsheet.
It will work best if everyone can share it to people they know are organising open activities, so churches with outdoor carols maybe, or pubs organising lunches.
I know it’s still November, but people will be ringing us soon, so GO, fill in a form!
Jessica Duffy
Learning Facilitator, Time to Shine