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Leeds Older People’s Forum
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September 30, 2020

International Day of Older Persons 2020

International Day of Older Persons (IDOP) is on Thursday 1 October. IDOP is celebrated annually in Leeds, focusing on a different theme each year. This year’s theme is:

Age Proud: time to feel good about ageing

This theme is about celebrating ageing, challenging the perception of older age and turning the perceived negatives into positives. We want to raise awareness of the diversity of activity for older people across Leeds, and supporting the ambition for Leeds to be the Best City to Grow Old In.

Time to feel good about ageing is also the latest key message of the Age Proud Leeds campaign.

COVID-19 has affected everyone and lockdown and shielding have had a huge detrimental impact on the wellbeing of many older people. It feels very important in light of this that we celebrate IDOP in whatever ways possible and practical.

Our aim is to ensure that the City of Leeds promotes and celebrates International Day of Older Persons and promotes these values:

  • a positive view of old age
  • older people being enabled to lead active healthy and involved lives as citizens of Leeds
  • full participation of older people in the decisions and processes which affect their lives
  • challenging the barriers faced by older people to independence, inclusion and equality
  • older people being treated with respect and dignity at all times

The following events are taking place to celebrate International Day of Older Persons in Leeds: (Details may change, due to new Covid-19 restrictions in Leeds. Please check with individual organisations.)

Dancing our way through the decades!
AVSED (Aireborough Voluntary Services to the Elderly)
Thursday 1 October 2020, 2.00
Join us online through Zoom and just watch or, join in if the mood takes you . A short video will be shown showing the community getting into the groove together and showcasing 10 dances from 1920-2020. The Lord Mayor will be in attendance! All ages welcome.
(Meeting ID: 835 2544 4077, Passcode: IDOP2020)
More Info
0113 2501702

Pop up art and music event to celebrate West Indian heroes in Leeds CA Spaces
School Lane, LS7 Sunday 4 October 2020, 3.00-5.00 (subject to weather!)
We will have an artist creating a piece of public art and live musicians playing, to celebrate West Indian heroes in Leeds. All Welcome!
More Info

Movie night
Gateway Church
Monday 5 October, 8.00

We will be hosting an online movie night, when all ages are welcome to watch together Oscar-winning Driving Miss Daisy (1989). Following the film there will be an opportunity to discuss it in smaller groups.
More Info
On Gateway Church website
0113 244 3245

Painting packs
Pudsey Live at Home Scheme
First week of October 2020

We will deliver 50 painting packs to older people with in the community, whose art will later be displayed in the local church. Participants will be asked why they feel Leeds is the best city to grow old in.
More Info
0113 2562717

Wildlife themed walk
TCV Hollybush
Tuesday 6 October 2020

A wildlife themed walk, for members, around Rounday Park, exploring Autumn through the changing of the seasons!

Afternoon Teas and Activity Packs
Seacroft Friends and Neighbours
6 and 8 October 2020

We will distribute Afternoon Teas and Activity Packs to 100 members, following Covid compliant protocol.
More Info
0113 232 3662

LifeHacks meeting
Life Hacks for Limited Futures
7 October 2020, 7.00-8.00

Join us, a group of friends, who meet to talk about getting and being older, and what we can do to have happiness and wellbeing when we are older. All welcome.
More Info
Book online (Free)
LifeHacks website

Did you ever walk in my shoes?
Sage / Yorkshire MESMAC / AGE UK Leeds
A look at lives of the LGBTQ+ community during the 1980’s, reminiscing, sharing, and exploring experiences and individual memories with a focus on how commonalities can bring people closer together. Members will create displays which will later be exhibited at Flamingos Coffee House, with blogs posted for public access on the AGE UK Leeds website.
More Info
07736 151 895

Interactive, tactile arts project and exhibition
BID Services
1-7 October 2020

Our members (people with a sensory impairment) have often felt their experiences during the pandemic have been particularly challenging. This project enables people to explore their creativity and express themselves through art. A later exhibition (at Gallery House, Leeds, and online) will celebrate diversity and may change perceptions of the kind of expression through art an older adult with a visual impairment can produce.
More Info
0121 2466100

Display of art, poems and letters
MHA Farsley Live at Home
Our members will create a display of art, poems and letters, showcasing what makes them proud to be older in the community. The display will then be used in local community events (markets, open days, local community hub and art gallery) as well as loaning to the local primary school for PSHE lessons.
More Info
0113 290 9340

IDOP Leeds is organised by Leeds Older Peoples Forum with the support of Leeds City Council Public Health, Leeds City Council Adult & Health Equality and Diversity, Leeds City Council Museums & Galleries, Leeds City Council Libraries and Information Service and older people themselves.